Here you can convert (transliterate) persian written in english letters, called Pinglish or Finglish, to persian language script. You can directly email the text or

Romanization of Arabic refers to the various methods and approaches that are used to formally represent varieties of Arabic, both written and spoken, in the Latin script.

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Latin Transliteration 121

The classical Latin alphabet, also known as the Roman alphabet, is a writing system originally used by the ancient Romans to write the Latin language.

Latin Transliteration 47

Latin Transliteration 60

Please check this link Qur’an transliteration, for all Souar of the Qur’an with Arabic and Roman characters, with translation.

Latin Transliteration 18

Latin Transliteration 46

This Russian transliteration table shows how to convert Russian letters (Cyrillic) into English letters.

A tool for transliterating one natural language script to another (like Serbian Latin to Serbian Cyrillic or Latin to Inuktitut).

Transliteration (Tech Infomatics) Outsourcing and Freelancing Coaching Institute Punjabi Punjabi Gurmukhi Akhar Transliteration Language Keyboards: Transliteration

Latin Transliteration 6

Transliterate English to Japanese characters for free! Hear it spoken too. Just type your English name or words and get free conversions into Katakana, Hiragana and

Convert Arabic letters into Latin letters also called Romanization or Transliteration, which allows you to read sounds phonetically. You don’t have to be fluent at

Latin Transliteration 78

Latin Transliteration 89

Latin Transliteration 26

English-to-Greek Word Search Results (“Agamemnon”, “Hom. Od. 9.1”, “denarius”) All Search Options [view abbreviations]. Home Collections/Texts Perseus Catalog

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